Saturday, November 22, 2014

Atheists on mission to out-Christian Christians

If competition breeds improvement, the Atheists are trying a new
The State newspaper is promoting an anti-Christian group.
The State says a: “newly organized outreach arm of the Freethought Society of the Midlands is collecting food, kitchen supplies, women’s clothing, gift cards and money this Thanksgiving season to help three organizations.” 
And The State says:  “Midlands Agnostics, Atheists & Secular Humanists, or M.A.A.S.H. will collect donations for Food Not Bombs, Harvest Hope Food Bank and Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands through the end of the month, said Matthew Facciani, one of the group’s organizers.”
I guess attacking Christians with hate-speech and bigotry – as so many Atheists do - was not working out for the Atheists.
Facciani, also said: “I think (giving) is a kind of secondary goal, to share that non-religion have morals and want to help out as much as religious people do.”
Thinking that collecting a few canned goods is going to prove your morality, may show that there is a it of a dis-connect with reality here.
Atheists, or non-Christians, in the Soviet Union, China and NAZI Germany accounted for millions of deaths. Part of the reason the murderers felt justified, was their lack of faith in God. 
And Hitler – an occultist - was humanitarian to his own kind. And that was the intent of Stalin and Mao. Just like many modern-day liberals. They embrace the people who think as they think, but vilify any thought not in line with theirs. Their goal is to eliminate opposition to their ideology, just as they are trying to banish God. Any "help" plan can become dangerous, especially when The Divine is not a part of the equation.
Anyway, The State says “The items may be dropped off at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia.”

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