Friday, June 13, 2014

Columbia SC is becoming the Detroit of the South

The Columbia Police Department is investigating the shooting deaths of two people. They were found dead in a car, just before 6 Friday in a parking lot. The bodies were found in the 3300 block of North Main Street at a title loan business. Columbia is ruled by Democrats. Where is the leadership? Why do the people of Columbia put up with a lawless community? Shootings in Five Points and even a shooting in The Vista recently. How long will good people allow the government "leaders" of Columbia run the city into the ground? Police received reports of gunshots in the area shortly before the discovery of the Friday killings. Gunshots are becoming Columbia's City song. Detroit was obliterated by incompetent Democrats. The City of Detroit is $16 Billion in debt, and almost uninhabitable at night. How much longer before Columbia is like Detroit?

1 comment:

  1. What the heck does this have to do with party association? Maybe there is a gun control connection?
