Sunday, June 29, 2014

Metts, Benjamin and the politically interesting this week:

Politics is never dull. And the media, and the left, are predictable.

Some of the items of political interest this week:
Are the accusations against embattled Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin over now? The federals Pinson trial is over, but did testimony about  behavior by Benjamin regarding money, partying with women and influence, launch investigators?
The US Supreme Court could rule on a case involving Hobby Lobby that asks that Obama and democrats not be allowed to force companies to pay for abortions and other possible dangerous or immoral contraceptive methods.
Sheriff James Metts, who says he is not guilty, will be formally charged in court for bribery and accusations related to special privileges for illegal immigrants.
Danny Frazier, former Lexington Town councilan goes in front of a judge too.
Expect the media to promote Thomas Ravenel and a partisan-democrat poll showing SC Gov. Nikki Haley in a close race with Vincent Sheheen. The media loved Lindsey Graham in the GOP Primary, because he'll side with democrats at time, and Conservatives dislike that waffling. But now Graham is the Republican, he has a target on him. It's known as the McCain Treatment. The media loved McCain in the 2008 Presidential Primary, but savaged him, as soon as he was nominated, and went against the leftwing god, Barack Obama.
And Ravenel, who once called himself an R, is an embarrassment to SC. The media loves to ridicule us.

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