Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Big Lie technique is being used on Americans

The US economy is in a mess. Don't be fooled and don't be spun.
The first quarter GDP contracted by 2.9 percent. All the while the media, and economic experts, have told us we've been in a Recovery since 2009.
In WWII the Japanese citizens were  told New York had been bombed to ground-level by enemies of the US. It was a propaganda strategy to keep up the spirits of the failing NAZI-Japanese forces attempting World domination. It was termed the Big Lie. And it's being perpetuated on the United States by liberals, now.
The US economy has been flat since late 2008, regardless of the lies, fudged data and spin.
The nosedive of our economy began late in President George W. Bush's second term.
Our economy has cyclical downturns. In 2008, there was the collapse of the housing market, thanks to forced lending by Democrats in the federal government. Democrats believe the government must give houses, or loans, to people who cannot afford them, or those not qualified to earn a home loan. So the housing market became artificially inflated, until it crashed.
A good president would lead us out of the disaster, by freeing the American people to re-build the economy. We, as a country, are best when government is a friend  of our businesses.
The Obama Administration has meddled in free enterprise, playing politics with our fiscal health.
Thanks to the fear of socialized healthcare, strangling environmental restraints and incompetency, the Obama Administration  has made a disaster out of an economic downturn, that should have been over a long time ago.
While pundits and the order-taking media will allude to any number, manufactured or not, as a sign the misery is over. It is not good, by any measure, except a false stock market feeding.
The bad economy is not over, and it will not be over, until we clean house in Washington and take the power from the hands of Democrats.
We can begin in November, by giving the Republicans the US Senate, to go along with the US House. Then we must support, call and e-mail, our Conservative leaders when they attack Obama policies.
We must also keep the pressure on middling Republicans, who are scared to oppose Obama, Reid and Pelosi.
The reason for the mess is real simple: it's Democrats. The solution is simple too. The more Conservative we go, and the faster, the sooner we begin to heal this nation, and correct the suffering of the American people.

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