Friday, June 20, 2014

Liberal-Tarians are tools of the failed democrats

Liberals are having a difficult admitting to Obama,'s IRS scandal. And that could be dangerous to our recovery if they can co-opt a small percentage of self-called "Independent" or Liberal-Tarian voters.
Tom Ervin, a trial lawyer and democrat by his actions and contributions, calls himself a Republican. But he is running as an "Independent" in an effort that would elect Sen. Vincent Sheheen, the admitted democrat running against Republican Gov. Nikki Haley. 
The sometimes moderate, but left-leaning South Carolina-based FITS News site characterizes the Obama IRS targeting of his political enemies as an effort to : "discriminate against "limited government" groups." Link: Liberal-Tarians are just as culpable as liberals
In true Liberal-Tarian form and like most establishment media outposts, FITS News misses the point. His description of the IRS scandal is not accurate. 
Obama HATES CONSERVATIVES, not necessarily  limited government groups. If a group wants to limit guns, Obama likes you. If the ACLU wants to stop your right to pray to God, Obama is your friend. But like so many left-leaners, FITS is rushing to get under the umbrella of personal victim-hood. But Obama does not want to target Liberal-Tarians. He needs them. 
Obama in a 2012 campaign speech, urged his followers to vote for REVENGE Link: Obama telling followers to vote for REVENGE!
Obama wants Revenge on the Americans not like him.Obama thinks "he built it" even though you did. 
He does not believe he is supposed to be representing ALL Americans, only his special interest groups.
He does not think he is in office to serve CONSERVATIVES.
And: Obama does not HATE third-party Liberal-Tarians, like FITS News. Liberal-Tarians are Obama's friend. 
Democrats have lost the center voters because Obama's REVENGE extended to many of the Liberal-Tarians who may have thought Obama was like them. 
But despite the fact that Obama has failed Liberal-Tarians, Obama hopes to maintain a small percentage of these Liberal-Tarians to do his bidding. See Virginia. In Virginia, a Liberal-Tarian candidate took just enough Republican vote away, so that a radical liberal, Terry  McAuliffe, was elected. That's what democrats are trying to arrange all over the country (see Ervin in SC.) Some Liberal-Tarians, like FITS, want to help them accomplish their plan. 
But remember, Liberal-Tarians are the democrat's best hope to get elected, after the disaster of Obama.
Don't help them. They have already done enough damage. 

1 comment:

  1. I see the Liberal-tarian as the "alternative" crowd. The "be different" types who do not outgrow this adolescent behavior are ruining this nation. These are people born into Baby Boomer parents. They Baby Boomer hippies of the 1960's wore radical clothing to high school. Wore their hair long. Literally, these high school students were "different" their own minds. They rebelled against the Vietnam War because their purpose in life is not to defend their US Constitution. Their purpose in life was to enjoy the freedoms our founding documents provide.

    Then they had children.

    They adjusted to an economy that rewards hard work with tenured positions, very high wages, and the opportunity, They adjusted long enough to get what they wanted...yet "they" are different. These radical leftists felt vindicated by the fall of Saigon not understanding our very existence depended on our Strategic Air Command's nuclear weapon laden B-52 Stratofortresses flying 24 hour missions over our homes since the 1950's. Their answer was to teach their children the joys of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. That there is another way to their Christian heritage, the US Constitution, to war and political parties: appeasement, abandonment, and apologies. These are Liberal-tarians, by products of tainted goods from the 1960's, the "I am different" crowd
