Monday, June 30, 2014

Sheheen exploiting child deaths, should be more responsible to save kids' lives

Media using DSS deaths to help Sheheen

The anatomy of Big Government feeding itself with its failure.

Democrats, in the gubernatorial election campaign of Sen. Vincent Sheheen, are trying to use the deaths of children in the state's social welfare system to get him elected.
Sheheen, a Democrat, is saying - in effect -  that Gov. Nikki Haley (her agency chief) is responsible for the deaths of children being overseen by the government's DSS, foster care program.
First of all: No government agency, unless it is doing the killing, is responsible for deaths that have happened to children under the state's Department of Social Services.
It's the monsters killing the children who are responsible.
But the DSS case is classic liberalism. The Democrats blame a government agency, if Republicans are in office, where an egregious action has happened.
Then, the media immediately jumps on the Democrats' campaign mantra.
According to The State newspaper, in a report published Sunday: “About 40 percent of child-welfare workers across South Carolina – including two-thirds of the workers in Kershaw County, more in half in Lexington and 43 percent in Richland County – try to handle more than the 17 cases at any one time that national experts recommend.”
The article is filled with the comments of liberal advocacy “experts” who usually are much better at getting themselves well-paying positions as leftwing mouthpieces, than ever helping a child.
Basically, the liberals say: it's OUR (the taxpayers') fault these children are dying because we don't spend more to pay social welfare workers. So the new SC budget has lots of new money in it for more welfare case workers.
But without even researching it, it's certain we pay now for more social welfare programs, with more staff,  than we did 30 years ago. You can also bet the number of child deaths under DSS control is exponentially higher today, despite all the money we pay to care for these children.
So what has changed, and caused more deaths today, despite the expenditure of more money?
In the last 30 years or so, the traditional family has suffered major attacks.
Americans, have been taught it's OK to devalue infant life.
Also, the attack on men, by feminists is another assault on the family, along with easy divorce. Trial lawyers love easy divorce to fatten their paychecks.
Liberals champion cause after cause in the name of freedom or protection, but they are never called upon to account for the damage their advocacy, policies, and laws do to our society.
And Republicans are connected to the failure for not standing up against the liberals when they promote bad law or negligent policies, that damage our culture.
How about Vincent Sheheen stands up for stronger families, where it is celebrated for parents to value their children as gifts?
Why not hold traditional, child-producing marriage, as sacred?

And let's begin with ALL Americans waking up, and valuing human life, without so many considering political expediency over the child.  
Government has a role, but unfortunately, the direction liberals have taken us, is what leads to the abuse of children in our society. The worst thing we can do is elect more Democrats as a reaction to the mistakes they have already perpetuated on our children. 

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