Saturday, November 8, 2014

Beatdown of white Fersuson protester spells Democrat disaster?

Rioters are not likely to accept the truth
very well. When the officer is exonerated
because he defended himself,  expect more
violence from groups who have been told
 they are right by the Obama Administration
African-American protesters in Ferguson Mo. turned on one of their own Thursday night.
Chris Schaefer was chased from  Greater St. Mark Missionary Church near St. Louis and beaten so severely he had to be transported to the hospital for treatment.
What did Schaefer do wrong? He was white!
Schaefer was at a meeting helping plan protest attacks in response to an innocent finding related to Police Officer Darren Wilson.
Wilson defended himself against Michael Brown in the August shooting case in Ferguson. Reaction to that incident has already cause extensive damage from rioters. And members of the Obama Administration have inserted themselves into the war, and emboldened violent protesters, pitting blacks against whites.
Thanks to Obama's AG, Eric Holder, Ferguson protesters in the African-American community have all been assured that Wilson was guilty, and Brown did not attack and assault Wilson. But the evidence seems to indicate Brown, who had a criminal record, was the aggressor, and Wilson was just defending himself.
If Democrat politics are reduced to blatant hatred of whites, based solely on skin color, could it totally doom the party to one of race only?
If leftwing black political activists will beat a man because he is white, even when he is trying to help them, it does not bode well for the unity of the various political special interest groups that make up the Democrat Party.
To beat your would-be own based on race, could rip the party apart. 

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