Saturday, November 8, 2014

State newspaper totally lost trying to explain Haley's win

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley obliterated Democrat Vincent Sheheen because she rejected the polcies of
President Barack Obama. Sheheen lost because could not mention Obama – for or against. If Sheheen would have attacked the miserably failed Obama Administration, the bulk of Democrat voters, African Americans, would have turned on him. If Sheheen would have embraced the very unpopular president, he would have alienated a majority of pro-progress voters. Sheheen's campaign was one of attack only, without much substance. He had no choice, or much of a chance.
But Haley had lots to brag about. Haley was able to protect the state from Obama's labor deptarment trying to block Boeing jobs in South Carolina. She also rejected a plan to expand Medicaid by $11 billion that the state would eventually have to pay for. And Haley defeated the federal government, pushing voter-integrity laws. And the fight to uphold the voters' will regarding the redefining of marriage by the homosexual lobby helped her, too.
The State newspaper was a big supporter of Sheheen's, often transferring his campaign message to its front page. But here's how The State newspaper is coping with the loss of the Democrat .
 The State said Haley won by “Cranking up the money machine” saying: “years of handshakes and speeches paid off in 2014.”
 The State said Haley stole an issue from Democrats when she “unveiled an education initiative that included more reading coaches, new technology and more state money for poorer schools.”
The State accuses Haley of “Attacking early and often” and running “ads slamming Sheheen began airing before St. Patrick’s Day.”
 The State says we have a good economy and said Haley benefited from “The economy’s good timing.” with ads touting “the state’s improving economy.”
And this next one may be The State at its most delusional. The newspaper said Haley won because of “Not getting S.C. Chamber of Commerce endorsement.” That's laughable. The endorsement may not have helped, but it certainly did not lead to Sheheen's losing.

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