Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tom Brokaw is the epitome of conventional ignorance

It's humorous to see the ways Democrats rationalize their rejection
Liberal Tom Brokaw is in a bad mood as
voters seem poised to reject Obama and
failed Democrat policies.
(Newsbuters.org photo)

Former network news anchor Tom Brokaw offers a political minute commentary on WVOC,
Columbia's Conservative news and talk radio outlet. WVOC carries Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
Brokaw, in the station's concession to liberalism, whines that “all indications are that Americans are ticked off and ready to blame president Obama,” when they voted today.
Brokaw laments that voters are voting more against Obama, than for something. But the truth is, Americans are voting for healing and economic recovery. We know that is not going to happen with Obama. 
Brokaw seems irritated that voters are rejecting Obama. He does not mention that Obama has earned repudiation from the people more than any candidate in recent memory.
Brokaw also bemoans the fact that wound-licking Democrats will immediately begin trying to win the 2016 White House, so NOTHING will get done.
If no dangerous Democrat policy, like Obamacare, or a tax to pay for global warming, is passed Americans will stand and cheer when Congress does nothing.
What is laughable about Brokaw's complaining; he immediately attacked the Tea Party as the bigger loser than Obama.
I guess liberals – after they accept their failure – have to find a villain, other than the demons they have been riding for the last six years.
The Tea Party will be fine in its mission to pull Republicans to the right. Just because you don't win a primary, does not mean the Tea Party has no influence.
And that is exactly what makes Brokaw, and other leftwing media tools mad.
Republicans are being elected to oppose Obama. As long as they do that, and counter him with sound policy, Republicans will grow in power and lots will get done. But I doubt Brokaw - or any other liberal - will like any of it.  

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