Friday, November 7, 2014

Could demographics foil Democrats' future

Even some on the right are saying the demographics of the future do not favor the GOP.
Mostly because older Americans, those who are wiser, with more experience in reality, vote for Republicans.
If you are using age as a determiner, you'd have to assume the older voters will die off, and the younger, less responsible, who now vote Democrat, will stay uninformed.
But many current Democrat voters will grow older, just like the 20-somethings of the 1980s are 50-something Republican voters now, and that much smarter.
Not only is the maturing of voters an advantage for Republicans, experience will be a benefit, if the Republican House, Senate and others in state and municipalities follow the freedom-based platform of the GOP.
It's fine to camp out, get drunk, and smoke pot with Occupy deadbeats when you're young, but anyone past age 30 has to see those modern-day beatniks for the ne’er do wells they are. Who wants to live like that?
And another thing: Obama's criminal-level pandering to Hispanics could cause a schism with monolithic Democrat voters in the Black community.
Should the Democrat Party bleed an substantial amount of Black voters, while the GOP appeals to the most-responsible segment of Hispanic voters, there is the opportunity to turn Obama's illegal immigration scheme on him.
That's not an endorsement of amnesty, just a path that may garner more votes in a part of the population that Democrats think they own. See Texas Hispanic voting patterns for an example.
When a party, as the Democrats have, build a coalition of self-centered special interests, just one perceived double-cross of those voters can send their house toppling.
On the other hand, Republican voters, by nature, are secure, solid, mature and nation-minded. The party is a lot less susceptible to fissures based on the rationing of largess.
Republican voters are far more likely to be givers who want government to leave them alone, not takers who look to a less-and-less competent government for empowerment.

Because of that, the GOP could be in good shape as the future unfolds.    

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