Friday, October 24, 2014

Do Democrats, Sheheen and their supporters lack respect for women?

Sheheen uses women in his campaign ads.
Do they approve of his characterization of
Nikki Haley, SC's first female governor?  
Remember former Missouri US Rep. Todd Akin who was crucified because the tried to make a distinction
between false rape claims, and true cases of the crime in 2012.
The mistake ended Akin's chances in a US Senate race. The media ripped him apart. It was proof, in their eyes, that the GOP hated women. It solidified their claim Republicans have declared a WAR ON WOMEN.
Fast-forward to 2014. Live by the Clam, die by the claim.
Well it seems the Democrats are leaving of trail of true anti-women sentiment this year.
Thursday night, S.C. Sen.Vincent Sheheen (Democrat) in comments made in Florence appears bungle his speech and call Gov. Nikki Haley a “whore.”
While it seems like a slip of the tongue Sheheen laughs and mocks Haley after he said it, and says you “got to tell the truth” as his supporters become excited and laugh too.
Sheheen was exalting US Rep. Jim Clyburn when he called Haley the name. Sheheen has been reluctant to tie himself to any Democrat in federal office in the 2014 campaign.
Lauding Clyburn may be as harmful as attacking Haley with a dirty name, as federal Democrats are seen as the root of a nation in a state of chaos.
Also, the anti-Haley, pro-Democrat website FITS News was giddy over the characterization and ran the headline: Did Vincent Sheheen Just Call Nikki Haley A Whore?
FITS a Website known for its crudity, and filthy language toward women, called the slur “accurate.”
FITS is also associated with the campaign of Thomas Ravenel, who is being investigated for physical assault against a woman. FITS' founder was arrested when he was a member of Gov. Mark Sanford's staff for assaulting a woman.
The name-calling comes as news surfaces of women withdrawing support for Democrat candidates because they don't trust them. Under the Obama Administration border control, Ebola fears and immigration concerns have plagued the nation. And the poor Obama economy has taken its toll on women, and all Americans, since he was elected.
Not that Sheheen had much of a chance, but did he hit Haley because he wanted attention?

Regardless, it cannot help the already downward spiraling Democrat Party.

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