Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Leftist media stalking the Red Cross?

Why is the leftist media going after
the Red Cross? 
There is a story in The State newspaper, Wednesday, attacking the Red Cross.
It's from liberal National Public Radio and claims the Red Cross diverted assets for public relations purposes after 2012's Hurricanes Sandy and Isaac.
Remember that was right before the re-election of Barack Obama. He got all of the credit – using an unwitting NJ Gov. Chris Christie - for fixing the upper East Coast after those storms. The same media that vilified President George W. Bush because New Orleans, and its corrupt government, bumbled its defense of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Now NPR is bashing the Red Cross. NPR says: “The Red Cross botched key elements of its mission after 2012's Hurricane Sandy and Isaac, leaving behind a trail of unmet needs and acrimony.”
The media never told us of unmet needs and acrimony after Obama visited. We were told all was well. But now it's the Red Cross' fault? Or does Obama need a scapegoat? 
The story was filed by ProPublica and NPR.
ProPublica was founded by establishment journalists, one from the New York Times. It claims to produce “journalism that shines a light on exploitation of the weak by the strong and on the failures of those with power to vindicate the trust placed in them.”
The Red Cross is the STRONG exploiting the Weak? I'm sure ProPublica, along with NPR is much more of a bully than the Red Cross. And it's more likely the Red Cross has been busy saving lives, while ProPublica staff, with leftists from NPR, sipped Manhattans in Manhattan (ProPublica's home office.)
Also, the same The State newspaper going after the Red Cross today, reported on July 28, that the “Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter has cut ties after an 89-year relationship with the United Way of the Midlands.”
Link: Is United Way a leftwing political operation?
The break begs the question: Is the Red Cross not liberal enough for a United Way that moves more leftward and political each day?
Now NPR is attacking the Red Cross. You can bet there is more to it than exposing mis-management. When the media works to coordinate coverage like this, someone at the Red Cross has either been bold about the Cross, or not liberal enough in its identity.
Liberals will politicize anything and everything. So if you give to the United Way, but not to the Red Cross, it may be time to switch allegiance. Because it is doubtful the attack on the Red Cross is justified or pure in its motives.  

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