Friday, October 31, 2014

The Hillary of SC -Jenny Sanford- comes out of the closet

Is Jenny Sanford now staying
TRUE to her Democrat roots? 
Former S.C. Republican First Lady Jenny Sanford appears in a new web campaign video for Democrat Secretary of State nominee Ginny Deerin.
The Democrat and Sanford talk about "Mark." But it is not Sanford's ex-husband, U.S. Rep. and former Gov. Mark Sanford. The two women bash Deerin's foe -- current Republican Secretary of State Mark Hammond.
A few days ago, petition candidate for governor and trial lawyer Tom Ervin ended speculation about whether he is a Democrat or a Republican, by backing fellow Democrat Vincent Sheheen.
The textbook, fast-and-loose-with-the-truth Ervin, had claimed to be an “Independent Republican.”
Now look at Jenny.
Jenny Sanford walked the streets, and “Hillary-ed” herself for a philandering political opportunist, who calls himself a Republican, but acts like a Democrat in heat.
It goes to show you we have a bunch of liars getting elected, posing as Republicans.
Because of that, it is imperative to not only listen to what candidates say; watch what they do.
The Sanfords have also wreaked of liberal elitist arrogance, while trying to adopt a “little-people” persona, replete with Wal-Mart dress-up apparel, as a political stunt.
And this is not Jenny's first dalliance with the left.
Jenny was warm to Democrat Elizabeth Colbert-Bush who opposed her line-crossing ex-husband for the U.S. House in SC's permissive First District.
That one could have been overlooked, considering.
But now Jenny embraces another Democrat, that the media also seems to be placing a lot of hopes on for election. There is cautious optimism by The State newspaper for a D election to a statewide office, no matter how insignificant that office is.
Bottom line: Don't elect Democrats, even if the Republican is less-than-the-best. That rule can be relaxed if it's a two-year office, and a real Republican can take the Democrat out the next go-round (which was the case in SC-1.)
But if you don't like the current Secretary of State, let him know. Straighten him out using conventional voter feedback methods. But do not give life to anything Democrat. They have done enough damage. And the more power that party is given, the more destructive and dangerous it is to the people of South Carolina.
Evidently, elitist Jenny Sanford does not care what us little people must endure. It's all about the Sanfords. In that respect, nothing has changed. 

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