Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Is government-sanctioned homosexual marriage good for society?

A majority support traditional
marriage, but judges and the gay
lobby are overwhelming society. 
This is hard to say because it will immediately get you called a “bigot,” a “hater," unsophisticated and intellectually flawed by people who regularly practice bigotry, hate and intellectual dishonesty.
But homosexual marriage is not good for society. It's not good for children. There, it's said. 
That does not mean I don't like gay people or feel they should have fewer rights than any other American?
I'm just talking about values and promotion of what is best for society.
And our government, especially in the polluted culture we currently have, has no business sponsoring anything else that harms us as a people.
On top of that, we cannot afford to add more beneficiaries to the public dole. The country is broke thanks to a free-spending, non-accountable, far-left failure of a president.
But honestly; the best situation for a child is to be raised by a father and a mother, male and female. That's just God's law.
Atheists, liberals and Democrats do not want to hear about God's law. They erroneously claim we cannot have God's law in our government, but we do. Laws governing everything from welfare, healthcare, immigration and foreign aid are based in Christian morals that guide us. And those efforts are championed by liberals, Democrats and the class in America that loathes God.
But other than divine considerations, there are other reasons not to champion redefining marriage to couples other than one man and one woman.
The homosexual lifestyle, by definition is non-conventional. Because of that, it is likely to be less fundamentally sound. Children need homes that are as stable as possible.
The claims are that homosexuals have only loving, committed and faithful relationships. But if you know homosexuals, especially men, how true does that ring to you?
Normally, if you are fed a premise, it is very wise to apply your experience to it. Does it fit with what you know? The idea of the solidly-based homosexual family type is just not that prevalent.
And less-stable homes for children are the last thing we need more of in a society already rocked by an extreme leftwing attack on traditional family values.
Movements ranging in mission from drug promotion, race-baiting and abortion to easy divorce and welfare have pummeled the family unit. And we are paying a heavy price for it.
Even if it is said that homosexuals are not best to raise children because of the gender confusion, it is better to have homosexual couples raising children than they would be if left neglected and abused. But what a low standard we are setting.
And how many gay parents really want the joy of children, and not the attention and novelty of being a part of a leftwing political movement?
How long before the “new” wears off, and these homosexual parents are wondering what they have gotten themselves into? Would that be good for a child? 
It's not with any malice or hate against homosexuals that this is said. It is more a love for children, and the hope we can turn around the dirty mess the country is in.
But letting activist judges overrule the will of the people, and redefine marriage, is just ill-advised based on what we know. I have no faith in the left of America. So much of what they do ends in failure and disaster. Government-sponsored gay marriage has catastrophe written all over it. But I doubt the left cares, as long as they can get their way, and topple another tradition that has help build us into the great nation we are. Or should that be “once were?”  

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