Thursday, October 30, 2014

Graham should support ALL Americans, including white men

Be proud of who you are Lindsey
Graham. Without successful white men,
there would be a lot less with which to feed the
special interest groups who prop up Democrats.
U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham got-got. It seems secretly recorded conversations, or revelations, have a
way of surfacing against Republicans a few days before every major election. Remember the ancient George W. Bush DUI expose that almost damned America to four years of AlGore?
Then there was the “47-percenter” comment by Mitt Romney that was leaked presumably by former Democrat Jimmy Carter's grandson. Considering Barack Obama has surpassed Carter as the worst president of modern times, it's no wonder Carter's grand-boy wanted to get Obama re-elected.
Anyway, it was released Wednesday, that Graham said: “I’m trying to help you with your tax status.” Graham also said: “If I get to be president, white men who are in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency.”
Graham should embrace his words and expound on them. He should say, I will not use the IRS to target any American. I will be against the over-taxation of ALL Americans. If you are white, and male, you are not my enemy, you are my brother. You are my fellow American, and I want you to succeed and prosper.
Graham could also say: I want the young man who looks like Barack Obama's would-be son to prosper too. I want to break off the chains of miserable government regulation and over-txation, and fly.
It's about time the politicians we elect quit being ashamed of us if we do not fit into a liberal special interest voting block.
For years Republicans line up to say what they will hand-out to the underprivileged.
Those calling themselves Conservative will sometimes support Affirmative-Action in hopes of being included among those liked by the media and the leftist hate squads.
It never works. We give more freebies to leftwing special interest groups each year. The Democrat voters identify by race, gender and class. Yet Democrats may hate non-liberal whites more than they ever have. The same goes for the race-gender-class hate opportunists. The polarization by race, gender and class is as bad now, as it has ever been.
Pandering to those who flourish when Americans are divided does a Republican no good. Graham should embrace, without apology, his pledge to be good to the people who elect him. He would also be smart to tell those who oppose him, to look at successful men, white and back, and model them.

It is no time to be ashamed if you have worked hard and succeeded. I'd be much more ashamed of a man who used shortcuts to gain the highest office in the world, and then used it to attack the people he was sworn to govern.  

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