Friday, October 3, 2014

Sheheen refusing to be seen with VP Blundering Biden?

Gaffe-prone Biden being
dissed by Sheheen?
Is Vincent Sheheen refusing to be seen with Vice President Joe Biden?

The State newspaper proudly reports: “Vice President Joe Biden to visit Columbia to boost SC Democrats.”
But can Biden BOOST Democrats if they refuse to be seen with the gaffe-prone VP?
The State reports: “Whether Democratic gubernatorial challenger Vincent Sheheen......will appear with Biden depends on the timing of the vice president's visit.”
You see, The State explains, Sheheen has a debate in Charleston the same day.
But according to the Democrat Party fat-cats, it's imperative Biden come, even though Sheheen is not so moved.
S.C. Democratic Party chairman Jaime Harrison said: “The vice president understands the importance of honest leadership and the opportunities we have to move South Carolina forward this year.”
Biden works in the Obama Administration. From IR, to Fast and Furious to the NSA spying on U.S. citizens, the Obama Administration has a track record for dis-honesty and cover-up.
That may be why Sheheen is playing coy. Or it could be the economy produced by Obama-Biden. Sheheen has been sue to avoid any connection to his party's national policies, that have proven to be very harmful to Americans. 
But still strange!
When the VP of the United States, a member of YOUR Democrat Party, comes to your state, and it's scheduled on a day that schedules cannot be mitigated. Red Flags all around. But the media does not find it strange in the least. The State just reports what the Democrat Party tells them to report, with no obvious follow-up questions.
Anyway: “Biden will visit Columbia on Oct. 14 for a get-out-the-vote rally at Allen University and a state Democratic Party fundraiser,” The State says.
During the Allen rally, Biden will encourage voters to go to the polls for the Nov. 4 general election. Details on the rally and fundraiser are being worked out.

- During a Sept. 12, 2008, speech in Columbia, Mo., Biden called for Missouri State Sen. Chuck Graham, who is wheelchair-bound, to "stand up." "Oh, God love ya," Biden said, after realizing his mistake. "What am I talking about?"

-- On June 26, 2010, Biden called the manager of a custard shop outside of Milwaukee a "smartass" after the man asked him to lower taxes. Biden made the comment after the Kopp’s Frozen Custard shop manager told him that his dessert would be on the house if he lowered taxes. "Why don’t you say something nice instead of being a smartass all the time?" 

-- On July 16, 2009, Vice President Biden gave a blunt summation of the administration's approach to stimulus spending: "People, when I say that, look at me and say, 'What are you talking about, Joe? You're telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?" he said at a stop in Virginia. "The answer is yes."

-- On July 16, 2009, an open microphone caught Biden saying, "This is a big f---ing deal" to President Obama during a Washington signing ceremony for the president's health care law.

-- On July 5, 2009, in an interview with ABC's "This Week," Biden conceded that the White House team "misread how bad the economy was." His confession came as unemployment hit 9.5 percent, despite the administration's insistence that it would hold to 8 percent with the stimulus plan.

-- On Jan. 31, 2007 -- the day Biden announced his presidential bid -- the Delaware Senator was roundly criticized for calling Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

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