Thursday, October 16, 2014

Is Gay lobby telling truth about economic impact of redefining marriage?

The Gay Marriage movement is
based in a lie. No one is preventing
homosexuals from marrying. The gay
lobby just wants to refined it, with
government sanctioning.  
The Williams Institute said: “extending marriage to same-sex couples in South Carolina would generate an estimated $25.2 million in spending to the state economy.”
Media, including WVOC Radio, which once billed itself as Columbia's Conservative Voice, is reporting the numbers without any questions. The Free Times, radical leftwing newspaper, is hailing the raw Williams report as a God-send upon which to base all Gay decisions.
Do you believe The Williams Institute numbers, without any suspicious? And do you believe gay couple wanting to marry will go out and spend millions on weddings just because the government redefines marriage? If gay couples want to buy a big wedding, there is NOTHING stopping them now. A redefinition of marriage if love - not politics - is the impetus. 
The Williams Institute is a part of the leftist homosexual propaganda lobby, bent on overturning law affecting and public policy.
How in the world can people who told us Hope and Change would save the country, and solar/ wind are current viable options, be so bold about all this money from the un-holy grail of redefining marriage? Considering the track record of the ultra-left, do you believe anything they tell you?
So much of their “research” always supports their agenda and liberal causes.
According to the 2010 U.S. Census, The Williams Institute said “7,214 homosexual couples live in South Carolina.” That means approximately 15,000 homosexuals. The Williams Institute said half, or 3,607, would marry.
To assume half will marry, is a grand stretch.
By definition, homosexuals are non-conventional. It seems a bit unlikely such non-traditional people would choose the sanctity of marriage for their lifestyle.

The Williams Institute is obviously non-objective, and pushing its cause. And the media is eagerly gobbling up the “data.” But a windfall from gay marriage is just not a feasible premise if common sense is applied to what we know.  And I'd bet on practical knowledge and experience over The Williams Institute. 

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