Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Government conveniently claims hottest year, do you believe them?

“Earth is on pace to tie or even break the mark for the hottest year on record, federal meteorologists
say.” That's what the the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced Monday.
But do you believe anything the government tells you? We're told millions of jobs have been created since 2008, yet Americans are suffering with deficient incomes and a lack of hope and prosperity.
The government claims just don't match the reality people see on a daily basis.
The same goes for inflation. We're told by government statisticians that we have no inflation, but take one step into a grocery store and experience severe sticker shock at the high, and climbing, price of groceries.
Along with Monday's AP story about the high temperatures, AP “Science” Writer Seth Borenstein quoted an expert.
"This is one of many indicators that climate change has not stopped and that it continues to be one of the most important issues facing humanity," said University of Illinois climate scientist Donald Wuebbles.
I wonder if Wuebbles was at East Anglia University when it was busted in 2009, for presenting fraudulent data, trying to support a bogus case for Global Warming?
Getting caught in a lie has not deterred Global Warming zealots. They have changed the name from global warming to “climate change" but still peddle political propaganda as science. Their methods have changed.
Global warming alarmists used to make bold predictions and sit around with egg on their faces when the dire warnings proved only to be ignorance-based hysteria.
America now has a presidential administration that invents science, gets the media to promote it as  reality, in hopes of taxing Americans to pay for government-based solutions.
Even if the “Global Warming” claims were true, there is not anything humans can do to prevent it.
But sadly, under President Barack Obama, there has been a major assault on the truth in order to feed political greed and maintain power.
This country needs to purge itself of all of the liars, charlatans and greedy political opportunists who are running it.

Hopefully we can. If we don't, we won't have to worry about climate change destroying us. Our government will finish the job before the sun can.  

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