Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We have no option but to STOP Democrat voter fraud

Votes being changed from Republican to Democrat in Chicago. Offensive leftwing La Raza offering
rides to polls that require no ID to vote. Stacks of mail-in ballots favoring an Obama-Democrat in North Carolina.
Republicans MUST pursue and prosecute voter fraud. Challenge it in court. Looking the other way, in fear of the media and Democrats, is NOT an option.
Democrats will steal the country we built, and turn it into a third-world ghetto in their image.
That's not what responsible, accountable Americans should want to leave for their children. It's not what was left by the generations before us.
We owe future generations protection from these dysfunctional and bad people.
It's not a question of being afraid of being labeled by the left and the media. We have to fly in the face of the name-calling and abuse.
Be it a Republican attorney general in a state where Democrats are cheating or a U.S. Representative, we must demand that these fraudulent voters, regardless of race, gender or creed, be outed and stopped.
If we give them too many more elections based on fraud, we will not have the opportunity to uphold the law, and protect justice.

It's time to defend the integrity of the vote in America. It's too valuable to give away to dangerous forces of greed and corruption.

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