Friday, October 17, 2014

Iraq WMDs covered up, Bush justified, Rove is WRONG for the GOP

Maybe America would be better off
if this would have happened. 
The New York Times published an article this week that provided evidence that Iraq possessed
weapons of mass destruction (WMDs.)
The proof of the weapons justified the US's 2003 invasion of Iraq. President George W. Bush – who has been vilified unmercifully - was right, it turns out.
The expose, by Times reporter C.J. Chivers, revealed U.S. service personnel's encounters with chemical weapons in Iraq.

The article focused on U.S. soldiers who suffered from exposure to the sulfur mustard and other nerve gases from bombs.
According to the story, about "5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs" were found . The U.S. government buried the cases from both the public and the troops. As a result, injured soldiers did not receive proper medical treatment.
First you have to ask WHY was this hidden? Did the Democrat Party have a hand in the cover up to forge a political gain? That is in keeping with Democrat, and media, information-control tactics.
Or was it Bush' top adviser, Karl Rove? and why? 
Also many of us did not need this added evidence to exonerate Bush.
The way the US, at the demand of the media and the UN, made us telegraph that war, Iraq had more than enough time to hide, or move out, WMDs. There is evidence they did.
Bush's crime was not TELLING everyone what happened. Blame Karl "Moderate Play Pretty" Rove for that. And it's what has damaged Bush's legacy, and helped give us Obama.
America is suffering severely because of the lack of communication and the media crucifixion of Bush.
We must learn for this experience. What we must make sure not to do is let moderates, like Karl Rove, anywhere near the White House, or the GOP nominee in 2016.
Aside from advising Bush not to counter untrue and vicious claims from the media and the left, that, Rove gave us Mitt Romney in 2012.
The post-Rove-Bush America is a nightmare. We need a true American HERO to undo the mess that is the result of the moderates of the Republican Party, like Rove.

Keep that in mind as you consider a GOP candidate for 2016.  

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