Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mark Sanford seems surprised at the mess walking out is causing in his life

What did Sanford expect?
Taking the wrong path, often results
in an even more difficult life. 
Sanford publishes the 2nd Book of Mark on Facebook

In a long, and tortured Faebook diatribe, US Rep. Mark Sanford laments the treatment from his ex-
wife, as if he is trying to write an addendum to the New Testament.
Sorry, there is already a Book of Mark in the Bible.
Sanford drones on about being summoned to court, publicly embarrassed, losing family property and custody of his children, settlement disagreements, and general contempt for the ex.
When he took up with another woman, and cheated with her, what did he expect the result to be?
Jenny Sanford may be a lot of things, but she is not stupid. And she's not meek.
He threw the first punch, and he threw it hard. The fact that she is reacting should not be a surprise. Violate any contract, and the victim is liable to exact what is legally available to him of her.
What is baffling, in his long-verse is Sanford's references to Scripture. There are actions one can take that taint all that one does from that point on. Ripping apart your holy vow before God, walking out on your kids and shacking with the GF fits that category. Especially when you were the governor, setting an example for all to see. It is startling that Sanford does not understand the wages of his sin.
While Sanford is not short on self-pity, he fails to understand what happens when you decide you want out of a marriage, or a contract.
There are likely thousands of “Average-Joes” in South Carolina who can tell the esteemed former governor, that's how it is.
One other aspect of Sanford's treatise. All of those words are personal problems. Us people out here in the real world have enough trouble digesting the minutiae of our own lives. We feel for you bro, kinda. But we have our own problems.
So I'll tell you like they’d tell us: “Tell to the judge.”
You're a man who has been given an un-common, privileged lifestyle by first your parents, then by those in South Carolina. But it seems you are having a difficult time when the system, and the people you have severely hurt and damaged, ask you to react in a way common to anyone else who did what you did.
Suck it up. You made this bed, now lie in it. That's what any parent would tell you, if the parent had your best developmental interests in mind. Maybe that is what God is trying to get across to you, too, if you'd just listen.  

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