Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Lexington Child Murders; sobering call for repentence

If the evil act upon these children does not wake you up, you are lost.
The bodies of five Lexington County children, were found in Alabama Tuesday. The kids were of the ages 1-through-8. The father of the children, Timothy Ray Jones, 32, is being charged with killing his children.
What has happened to this “man's” generation?
It's not often public crimes against God, deeply affect me personally. But this does. It's debilitating. It makes me want to cry. You have no idea where to start in analyzing the affect it has on you. And that really does not even matter. But you, and more of us, MUST speak out.
We live in a society where cheating is cool, divorce is easy, drugs are plentiful, abortions are championed and “self” is king. Any kind of debauchery is viewed as sophisticated.
What used to be called sick, is now hailed as glorious. If you mentioned God, you used to be ridiculed, now you're threatened with legal action. And it seems to get worse every day, with our institutions on the side of the most-offensive, not the righteous.
Parents are told by society that pursuing pleasure for themselves, no matter how perverse or dangerous, should be put before everything else. More and more children are being murdered by parents. It's an epidemic.
Anyone hurt or sickened by the murder of these precious little babies, will be told to shut up and not judge. But it is time to judge. The post-modern era is one of of exalting sin, selfishness. Seeking  personal gratification at all costs is seen as virtuous, while attacking people who take responsibility, is the norm. The results of that are horrific. 
If you get out in the streets and march in favor of immorality, or even promote it on Facebook, you are guilty. You perpetuate all of the evil things being thrust upon society by people who are performing the acts you so gallantly advocate as freedom and “progress.”
The killing of the Lexington Children hits home. Nothing else matters but stopping and asking yourself: Do you contribute to a civilization that has gotten this sick? If you do, you need to get down on your knees, and ask God to forgive you. Societies have been through this before. And there never has been a saved society, unless it was done by God.
Unless we, as a nation, turn from sin, and evil, our culture will die from it. It may not kill you directly, but it will kill you spiritually. And if the murder of five children in Lexington County does not wake you up, you may already be dead.

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