Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Is Tom Ervin endorsing socialized medicine and violence toward women?

Bullying a woman is not good form.
The news about violence toward women is abundant these days. So is it smart for left-leaning petition  gubernatorial candidate Tom Ervin to endorse the bullying of Gov. Nikki Haley?
Haley is South Carolina's first female governor.
In his latest commercial, Ervin attacks Haley for not expanding a costly and poorly managed, medical welfare program. 
About 30 seconds into the Ervin advertisement, an obnoxious and overly aggressively media plant forces a microphone in a cornered Haley's face and demands an answer. It's not even clear what the reporter is asking about.
Haley just gets away, which is smart for any women facing an  attack from an unreasonable aggressor. Ervin's commercial just bashes Haley even more for separating herself from her rude tormentor.
And if it's Medicaid expansion, that the commercial is about, we already know her answer. If Ervin is opposite Haley on Medicaid expansion, that by itself should disqualify him. President Barack Obama's Medicaid expansion scheme is a bait and switch ploy to expand socialized medicine. It expands free healthcare for those who refuse to pay for it. Medicaid results in people with colds, who neglect doctors visits during the day, ending up at the emergency room.
Medicaid patients are most costly, because they are not paying for healthcare. They don't care what the price is. Taxpayers are paying for it. So Medicaid patients do not have to plan and scrape, like contributors do. To expand Medicaid, based on a government promise now, will just cost SC taxpayers billions in the future, long after the federal government is even more broke than it is now.
More likely, Ervin's bully-pro-Medicaid commercial may be showing he is desperate.
Ervin has lots of money. He is a wealthy trial lawyer. Is he a disguised, left-leaning candidate doing the bidding of Democrat Vincent Sheheen? It seems like it.
And with polls show Haley beating Sheheen and Ervin, Ervin could be getting desperate enough to encourage aggressive behavior toward a woman, even if is an issue people are more acutely aware of right now.  

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