Monday, September 29, 2014

Obama assault on less expensive energy and SCE&G utility rates skyrocket

Since 2009, South Carolina Electric and Gas's rates have increased 23.3% for residential electricity.
President Barack Obama took office in January of 2009. 
On Sept. 24, the South Carolina Public Utility Commission approved the latest request for a rate increase request from SCE&G.
The average 2.82% rate increase will go into effect on bills issued on Oct. 30.
While media and anti-corporate attackers will blame SCE&G for gouging customers, look no further than the Obama Administration for the reason.
Obama has made it so difficult, costly, and almost illegal to use coal as a fuel source, power companies, including SCE&G are abandoning cheap, clean and abundant coal as an energy source.
Dumping coal pleases the radical environmentalists, who really oppose capitalism more than they care about the environment.
Damaging the family, income through astronomical energy costs is a classic example of how liberalism, and its irrational polices, hurt Americans.
The price of gasoline has been an exorbitant tax (in affect) on jobless Americans, too. Why is there no Keystone Pipeline to send a message to speculators that we are serious about energy independence. We all the oil we need, but Obama refuses to let us go after it because of the myths he, and his party perpetuate about our energy sources.
And the media does not help by refusing to place blame on the true culprit.
Not only that, the Obama Administration has spent at least $90 billion on Green Energy and solar panels. The technology is just not near where it needs to be to be considered a legitimate alternative. 
Remember Solyndra went bankrupt shortly after Obama paid them off with government funds. 
But it sounds good to the media, and the left, so Obama has squanders taxpayers' money on it, while Americans suffer with no jobs and rising power bills. 

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