Friday, September 26, 2014

SC Trooper crucified after unarmed shooting; media, Holder culpability?

Sean Groubert reinforces the myth in the
minds of those who view law officers
as always guilty, while  criminals
always get the benefit of the doubt
Former SC. State Trooper Sean Groubert went from law protector to criminal in less than 30 seconds
on Sept. 4.
When news surfaced that Groubert, who is white, shot an unarmed black motorist, social media commentators immediately screamed with blood lust for the crucifixion of Groubert. They shrieked with devilish delight when Groubert was fired.
Who could blame them?
Irrational police-haters had recently been whipped to a fever pitch by a national 24/7, one-sided media indictment of Police Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson Mo.
Wilson, most likely, justifiably shot a violent bully. But justice takes a back seat when the modern-day lynch mobs want the head of a white law enforcement agent.
And President Barack Obama, as he typically does, fueled the fires of hatred to serve his political ambitions. U.S. AG Eric Holder had little regard for justice in the matter, either. He just wanted to judge Wilson, and exonerate the perp. Because fairness or right has no place in the current “civil rights” movement. It's all about polarization and political power.
Holder still has not let go, even as he could be facing legitimate criminal prosecution himself. Holder, using the Department of Justice's resources, is “investigating” the police department in Ferguson.
In the Groubert case, when the dash-cam video of the shooting of motorist Levar Edward Jones was released, the usual Facebook analysts, commenting on news sites, kicked into a frenzy at the obvious guilt of Groubert.
And there is no question Groubert panicked and made a colossal mistake. On the video, he seems to immediately understand the gravity of his error.
But Groubert's humanity no longer matters. And compassion does not apply to certain segments of our society. Regardless of how many law enforcement officers are gunned down, the Groubert shooting will solidify justification for all of those who view law enforcement as guilty first, and suspects getting the constant benefit of the doubt.
There is very little defense for Groubert. He should have waited until Jones turned around to see he was not armed.
But was Groubert on extra paranoia alert? Law enforcement officers have been killed recently in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Texas. Shot down like dogs. Were the killers of those lawmen prompted by the disrespect of officers by the media, Obama and Holder? Who knows if that has motivated an open season on the police, and officers know it.
As it is, Groubert has been fired and charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated
nature. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.
If he had to do over again, Groubert certainly would not do the same thing. Contrary to pop culture belief, egged on by a shameless media, white officers are not laying in wait for a chance to shoot black people. That's ignorant to even suggest, but it is repeated over and over.
Groubert will only lose in this incident. His life is severely damaged. Thank God Jones is OK and in line to get a healthy settlement.
The whole thing is ugly. And it is Groubert's fault. But the crucifixion of Groubert - by a conscious-less and judgmental segment of society - is as sad as the rest of the spectacle. And very few will acknowledge that. 

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