Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Haley, Congress should act on epidemic of violent Black on White crime

Violent mobs of Black people are attacking Whites in a horrific epidemic in this country.
If you are a White American, are you getting equal protection? Do your rights matter?
Your legislators (Republicans)  seem to be OK with it, as long as no one mentions it. It's time they move on the issue of Black race hate, and violence upon Whites. We're getting to the point where attacks on White people are on the level of what we've been told about KKK violence decades ago.
It's an election year, and White people need to have assurances that our leadership understands that Whites have a right to be protected from the violent and racially hateful.
In Memphis, over the weekend, a White man was brutally beaten in a grocery store parking lot.
A gang of black males attacked and savagely beat a White female and male in Springfield Mo. a week ago.
In late August, a White man suffered severe brain injury after a group of Black men beat him at a Mississippi restaurant.
In the spring, Steve Utash, White, was beaten until he was unconscious by a mob of Blacks.
Then there is the Knockout game, in which young Blacks target White, many of them elderly, and punch them with such force it has resulted in death.
Even In South CCarolina 16-year-old high school girl in Rock Hill allegedly beat another girl for acting “too much like a white person.”
There are many more. Some including elementary aged children on school buses, but the violent attacks on Whites by Blacks pass silently. 
Other than treating it like common crime, nothing more is being done. It’s as if hateful Black people in this country are showing they can violently attack White people and get away with it.
Meanwhile, President Barack Obama has inserted himself into incidents in which Blacks have been harmed, and the people harming them were defending themselves. US AG Eric Holder is now investigating the Ferguson Mo. Police department after dangerous criminal Michael Brown, it seems, attacked an officer who ended up having to shoot Brown.
An Hispanic man shot Trayvon Martin in Florida, in self-defense, and a national movement in support of the violent attacker ensued.
Yet no one is beginning any type of movement in defense of the right of White Americans.
Racial hate and violence is wrong no matter who does it. And it's time to call your legislator in the U.S. Congress and ask that this hideous issue be addressed. If we don't begin to take action, more will suffer and more will die.
Just because you don't fit the media and the the Democrat profile of a deserving American, does not mean you should be subject to beatings from Blacks.
Congress is elected to work for all of us, not just Democrat special interests.
Not only that, if Congress pushes the issue, Obama would have to respond. And then we may actually find out who he really is, as it relates to race. That would likely be eye-opening to a lot of people who voted for him, even some Blacks.  

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