Friday, September 5, 2014

Definition of “stupidity” - the Sheheen Campaign

Unless can come of with
 something positive, he is
spinning his wheels. An
attack only campaign is
not working.  

Albert Einstein is charged with saying "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, is insanity."
If Einstein did say that – some say he did not- he was not accurate.
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is stupidity.
Insanity is sitting in a corner and poking at feces, or the like.
Democratic gubernatorial wanna-be Vincent Sheheen has released yet another television ad attacking GOP Gov. Nikki Haley because someone at a state agency allowed some personal information of taxpayers to be hacked. But don't expect the ad to make any difference.
A recent poll shows Sheheen way (double digits) behind Haley, and not improving. 
The reason Sheheen is striking out on the data breech is because there has not been a victim, yet. No one has been affected. But you can likely expect the media to produce a few poor souls, near election day, with some sort of tale of how Haley ruined their lives. Democrats can always find a stooge, drooling to do their bidding in a commercial.
Because of the breach, us taxpayers actually got government-paid ID-theft protection. How about that, the contributors were looked after. That's nice.
Let's face it: the -five-ton elephant in the room, every time Sheheen brings up Data Breach, is his record and the brand of the Democrat Party.
Until Sheheen can tell us he will be adamant against Obamacare, inflation and dangerous terrorists and for a strong America, capitalism and racial harmony, he has no chance.
But if Sheheen all of the becomes a true voice for positive change, he will alienate the Hate-Vote, that comprises a substantial portion of the Democrat Party.
In other words: it stinks to be Vincent Sheheen, and running for governor in 2014.

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