Thursday, July 10, 2014

Haley gave far more to charity than the highly paid Sheheen

Democrat gives a fraction in charity compared to Republican Gov. Nikki Haley. 

Republican Gov. Nikki Haley and her husband, Michael, gave $126,000 to charity, according to their 2013 income tax return forms.
The Haley's gave away 44 percent of their taxable earnings.
The money was donated by the First Couple despite a 39 percent decrease in wages (or bringing in $67,000 less) for the year. 
Democrat state Sen. Vincent Sheheen, a high-priced trial lawyer, made close to $50,000 more than Haley. Sheheen gave only $19,386 to charity. Which amounts to six percent of his earnings. And Sheheen made $110,000 more in 2013, than he did in 2012. 
Sheheen made the release of tax returns an issue in January. He may regret that, considering the disparity in charitable giving between him and his target.
When pressed on details about Sheheen's returns, earlier, a spokeswoman with the SC Democrat Party refused to provide any more details.
Sheheen made $333,042 last year. His pay increased by almost 50 percent from 2012.
Though he is wealthier, Sheheen has had to battle criticism after he was accused of representing a “sex offender” who “abused a minor” and getting a highly reduced sentence. 
The Haleys' taxable earnings were $284,556 in 2013 and the couple paid $20,691 in federal and state taxes, in addition to all the charitable contributions.
Wealth became a campaign issue in the 2012 Presidential election. Republican challenger Mitt Romney was attacked because he had been successful, and made lots of money as an entrepreneur and leader.
The lesser-paid President Barack Obama, a community organizer, was credited for not being greedy, while Romney was attacked for it.
The trend of decreased giving is not only a state issue, among Democrats. Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle, donated 12.3 percent of their adjusted gross income. The Obamas' charitable giving was only $60,000 in 2013, $90,000 less than the year before.

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