Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Is Vincent Sheheen being secretive about his “Gay” dilemma?

SC Democrats in conflict with political "closeting" issue.

How do you attract traditional families, and keep the Homosexual Community from attacking you in South Carolina?
It's a conflict state Sen. Vincent Sheheen is wrestling with, as he opposes Gov. Nikki Haley for the governor's office.
The headline in the Charleston City Paper reads: S.C. Dem Vincent Sheheen says FU to gay marriage in an effort to woo GOPers.
In a column in September, Charleston City Paper (CCP) columnist and Homosexual Lifestyle Promoter Chris Haire, writes: “Poor Vincent Sheheen. He thinks he can woo enough South Carolina Republicans to defeat S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley in 2014, and in order to do that, he has to deny the fact that he's a member of the Democratic Party."
Haire said denying what you are as a Democrat, is “a common enough ruse, but it's never really been effective” He said “S.C. Dems who tried to out-right their GOP rivals,” lose.
Haire said Sheheen has not been vocal in support for homosexual marriage. Haire also bitterly accused Sheheen's “campaign babysitter” of telling The State newspaper that Sheheen “continues to personally believe that marriage is between one man and one woman.”
The columnist did not note Sheheen's view is the same as President Barack Obama's was before he was elected, and then re-elected. Obama recanted, to support gay marriage after being securely elected.
Haire says: “If Sheheen had any true desire to create a better South Carolina, he would proudly announce that he supported same-sex marriage.” Even if Sheheen loses, Haire said supporting the Gay Community would be worth it. He implies our state will eventually evolve and embrace the homosexual lifestyle, and its concept of marriage. Haire thinks the issue will be a political asset for liberals.
A couple of week's after Haire's attack, the CCP ran a follow-up by Huffington Post, South Carolina-based writer, Corey Hutchings. It was titled: "Vincent Sheheen tries to mend relationship with LGBT community - Democratic candidate for governor quietly took the stage at SC Pride event."
In the article Hutchings writes: “Vincent Sheheen, the Democratic candidate for governor in South Carolina who opposes same-sex marriage, might have mended a few frayed strands in his relationship with members of the LGBT community this weekend (in September) quietly taking the stage at the SC Pride Festival in downtown Columbia and giving a short speech."
“As far as I know it's the first time any candidate for governor on either side has ever taken the stage at the Pride Festival,” says SC Equality director Ryan Wilson."
"For some, it shows a candidate who might not agree with gay marriage, but who can still be an advocate for the LGBT community. For others, it shows a Deep South conservative Democrat slipping some “I'm with ya, but I can't be with ya” lip service to his base on the sly. Sheheen's campaign didn't publicize his speech at the Pride event, and campaign manager Andrew Whalen didn't respond to e-mailed questions about it Monday. No local press reported it."
It's one of those sticky situations Democrats are facing. Homosexuals make up only about 3% - or less- of the population, but they control a lot of the culture, and Democrat politicians. And any Democrat not pandering to their demands, will face the wrath. Just ask poor Vincent Sheheen.

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