Thursday, July 24, 2014

Parent and cultural fail - welfare industry demands expansion of government

DSS needs 200 caseworkers 
DSS, the state’s child welfare agency, should hire 202 new caseworkers, welfare industry "experts" said Wednesday. Adding hundreds more government welfare workers would increase DSS's caseworker staff by about a 25 percent.
DSS has been under fire lately, in a contentious political season, because some children, neglected or abused by their parents, have been killed. 
Caring taxpayers are hurt by the inhumanity, and are (rightly so) demanding action to stop the monsters from killing. 
Welfare industry administrators, and opportunistic politicians, say more money needs to be poured into DSS to reduce caseloads that are too high. It's their advice to ensure children’s safety. No one is focusing on the killers. 
Any chance harsh punishment can be doled out to people who do not care for their children?
Or in cases where judges send children back to dangerous parents, the judges can be held liable for their incompetence? 
At any rate: bad people are killing children, but no expert, politician, or media representative is advocating holding the criminals responsible. 
In fact, attempts to hold the offenders accountable are met with charges of judgmentalism.
But calling out those who hurt, or kill, children, is a lot more effective  than expanding a government program, that has already proven to be a failure.

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