Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Are Benjamin and the Democrats acting just to provoke political opponents?

All the obligations taxpayers already have,
 and Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin
rubs bad policy in their faces.

The Columbia City Council passed a resolution Tuesday welcoming illegal immigrant children to Columbia.
"This is more so a statement of purpose, a statement of ideals rather than an action item," said Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin.
With Benjamin's statement that he is acting on an ideals: Is Benjamin drawing a line in the sand against those who are right of him?
The forcing of illegal aliens into the US is angering law abiding Americans.
The push for government-sanctioned marriage for homosexuals and expansion of socialized medicine are not popular ideas in South Carolina, either. But politicians on the left seem to be trying to provoke majorities.
Is it a power play, or one last “Hoorah” before the Democrat Party takes its lumps, and loses the US Senate, to go along with the US House in November.
Of course President Barack Obama will continue to act unilaterally, but it will be even more difficult, if the Senate and the House fight him on every issue.
Regardless of the reason, Republicans need to take note of the recklessness of the Democrats.
To oppose the very unpopular, and in-your-face actions of Democrats, could empower the party to never-before imagined levels. But the GOP cannot be afraid to take the reins. We need leadership in this country, like we never have before.

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