Monday, August 18, 2014

Do Democrats want blood spilled in Ferguson, as a part of a political strategy?

Power, not justice, is what relentless
protesters want. Democrats are in trouble.
Racism sells as a motivator to their voting
base.  (American Conservative photo) 
The Ferguson rioters will not quit.
An election is coming and Democrats are in trouble. They need an issue to move their voters.
Now the National Guard has been called in, and there are likely Democrat politicians praying that the blood of their pawns in the community is spilled.
The US Department of Justice suppressed evidence that helped explain the corrupt character of the 18-year-old alleged bully and robber who was shot.
Of course Democrats, liberals, activists and special interest groups, bent on hatred, would milk the shooting.
But this is getting ridiculous to still be going on.  Unless you look at the the calendar.
The country is about two months away from an election that will take one more majority of  President Barack Obama puppets  - the US Senate - away from him.
For months now, Obama and US AG have been trying to motivate the Democrat voting base, by stirring up racial discontent.
In May, First lady Michelle Obama encouraged students to monitor their older relatives, friends and co-workers for any racially insensitive comments they might make.
A senile old NBA owner trying to court a young woman, used race to attack his rival for the woman's attention. Opportunist race-politicians tried to keep Donald Sterling on the front page , as long as possible, as proof that white people hate blacks. But it fizzled, after Sterling's enemies used the club of race to take his NBA franchise.
Keeping the flames tended in Ferguson is just more leftwing strategy to get Democrat race  base-voters to the polls in November. But with Obama not on the ballot, it may be a hard sell. Of course, Obama, and Holder don't care who, or how many get hurt. If they can feed their greed and power with it, they will not stop. And no one will make them.

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