Saturday, August 2, 2014

Nancy Pelosi freaks out when confronted about incompetence over illegal immigration!

Pelosi and Obama have been bullying
Americans for six years. America's
fighting back, she's melting down 
Could the loss of even more power be what ignited Pelosi?

US Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) called out former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for failing to pass competent immigration policies.
In an out-of-control reaction, she went berserk, chasing Marino down, shaking her finger at him on the House floor.
Link: Pelosi becomes violently angry on House floor!
Marino later reported that Pelosi pompously demeaned him as "insignificant."
Pelosi clams that Marino apologized for her forced and angry exchange. But Marino said he did not apologize, and reiterated his charge against the powerful Democrats, who could stuff Obamacare down our throats, but did nothing but exacerbate the illegal immigration problem.
Marino also pointed out that Pelosi has a government-provided and expensive security detail, while he drives himself. The revelation by Marino, further exposed the waste of elitists Democrats for their personal luxury.
As for the border, 60,000 to 70,000 illegal immigrants are crossing our border, only to be coddled and pampered by the Obama Administration at taxpayer expense in a bad Obama-conomy. Obama is attempting to revive his horrible poll numbers, but the disastrous handling of border control is only making things worse for him, and the chances of the Democrats in November.

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