Friday, August 15, 2014

Liberal State columnist attacks South Carolina drivers

Is South Carolina really worse than
 any other state for bad drivers?
What kind of business succeeds by attacking its customers?
Friday: The State newspaper tells us: “SC drivers: Unsafe on any road.”
Why does Big Media have to
insult us, to feel smart?
The State's Cindi Ross Scoppe, associate editor, says: “South Carolinians are unsafe drivers in part because of our stubborn refusal to drive safely — and in part because of our Legislature’s stubborn refusal to pass laws that will … encourage us to drive more safely.”
Is there not a certain amount of arrogance in that Scoppe believes that she, in all her brilliance, is stuck dealing with us?  Are South Carolinians the absolute bottom of the barrel, according to Scoppe?
And don't think liberal politicians won't take Scoppe's ideology, and it them on the floor of the General Assembly to urge action. 
Scoppe goes on to accuse every South Carolinian from the young, to the elderly, of being the worst of drivers. She also lashes out at legislators for not passing a litany of new laws, that she would like to see imposed, to MAKE us safer.
And not only do we need to slap more laws on our people (which would result in more government money from fines) to please Scoppe. Of course we need to pay more.
She says: “That’s not to say we don’t need to improve our roads. It’s pretty clear that we have not been spending enough to keep up with our road maintenance and repair needs. And that is hurting our economy and costing us extra in repair bills and time.”
Liberals constantly attack South Carolinians. And you wonder why people dislike and distrust the media. I'd have to be as self-loathing as a liberal, to buy into Big Media's definition of me, as a South Carolinian.
But is it not actually as sign of a simple-mind to always think you are the worst? Does it not show that you have very little experience to believe that you are always on top of being last?

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