Saturday, August 16, 2014

Officer Darren Wilson: Time to defend the police against ignorant thugs!

We know how wrong
lawlessness is. It's time
to start openly and
aggressively support
people on our side.
 It's time for just Americans to rally loud and proud for Darren Wilson

Darren Wilson is innocent until proven guilty, and if you believe in justice, you should view him that way.
 But Darren Wilson is in the cross-hairs of unfair, hateful, bitter and unreasonable mobs.
Let's not leave him out there to hang.
Darren Wilson is the Ferguson Mo. Police officer who shot Michael Brown after Brown scuffled with Wilson.
The shooting took place not long after Brown is seen, it seems, on video tape bullying a store clerk strong-arm style, and stealing a $50 box of cigars.
Darren Wilson worked in a job that is dangerous, stressful and open to attack by people who don't like obeying the law. Darren Wilson is who the honest and law-abiding call when we fear our family, our safety or our property is being threatened.
From Tawana Brawley and Rodney King to O.J. Simpson and Trayvon Martin, the left and the lawless have made heroes of their criminals. And it's not just based on race. Bill Clinton and John Edwards have committed egregious acts that would result in jail for others. They walked free afterward.
Conservatives sadly, will understand that people who may represent us are in a bind, and pull from them, but the support is secretive.
The more we learn about Darren Wilson and Michael Brown, the more it looks like there was a good guy and there was a bad guy. But reality makes no difference to the usual rioters, threat-makers and unjust.
We need to come to a point in our society where we hit back – peacefully of course - in masses with more numbers and more force than the wrong can ever muster. We need to quit treating bad people gently. Like a spoiled child. They need to be told "no." 
As it is, the left is more adamant for their corrupt they we have ever been for people who do the right thing, in protection of us.
It's time to stop being run over by the misguided and unwholesome. Nothing good ever comes from letting bad, but loud and aggressive people, prevail. It just makes our society worse off.

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