Saturday, August 23, 2014

Liberals invoke race as Obama is used as sign of failure in West Columbia

The media is not complaining
 about these signs, because there
no reference to the failure of the
omni- powerful Obama, who has
divided America.
A political yard sign by the opposition to a West Columbia strong mayor referendum includes a photo of President Barack Obama and Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin. It has the message: “Want to have ONE voice controlling our government? Me neither. Vote No! to strong mayor. Unite our city.”
West Columbia United (WCU) produced the signs.
Since Obama took office, unemployment has skyrocketed, household incomes have steadily dropped, gas and food prices have spiked, justice is perverted, the debt is exponentially higher, and US foreign policy is in chaos. The president has failed to address any issue with success.
Benjamin has been linked to parties with strippers, payouts on government housing deals, influence peddling and ethics incompetence.
But connecting a political enemy to Obama or Benjamin is racial taboo according to the media.
The State newspaper says: “The president and Benjamin are African-Americans, while Owens is white. The mayor has several local African-American community leaders supporting him in the upcoming showdown on who will be in control at City Hall.”
The State even demanded an answer for the sign.
“It has nothing to do with race,” Bruce Brutschy said of the images. “It points to the larger scene to what’s wrong with politically operated government.” Brutschy is chief of WCU.
Brutschey, in a press conference a week-and-half ago linked Obama's IRS targeting scandal as a byproduct  of unbridled power. Much of the reason Obama has escaped accountability is because the media ignores the many scandals that have enveloped his presidency. 
Ironically, Democrat candidate for governor, Vincent Sheheen, refuses to connect himself to the powerful  Democrats Obama and Benjamin, but the media has not linked Sheheen to that large and obvious bashing by omission. Must be great to be a liberal.

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