Thursday, August 28, 2014

Columbia's Democrat Mayor, Steve Benjamin gets free pass on ethics

The Republican was forced to
resign, Benjamin walks free. 
Former Republican Lt. Gov. Ken Ard, must be livid. Columbia Democrat Mayor Steven Benjamin accepted strippers, jet trips and the royal treatment, but that's OK.  Is anyone surprised?

The State Ethics Commission, Wednesday,  ruled that Columbia Mayor Steven Benjamin did not have to report a Dec. 2010, party-trip to Florida, on a wealthy developer's private jet.
The Benjamin junket included ground-travel in a limousine. 
Benjamin was also showered with high-priced dining, a trip to a strip club, where he was given $5 bills to tip nude women dancers. 
Witnesses in a federal public corruption trial also said Benjamin got money back on a government-funded housing deal and represented power and influence in the awarding of contracts.
Despite the fact that two women from the strip club were paid to return to the hotel with Benjamin and partner, ethics said Benjamin was in the right. 
But remember, former Lt. Gov. Ken Ard was forced to resign from office, after using his own money, donated to his campaign, to purchase items for his family. Some of it for his office, and on his wife, in preparation for his inaugural.

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