Thursday, August 14, 2014

Time for the Black community to step up and take responsibility

Politicians, society and the media need
to decry the ignorance of rioting because
of race-based cliches and exploitation
by politicians and opportunists.
(Joshuapundit photo) 
Here we go again: Will the country ever get sick of race-based idiots?

Blacks in America have been given a lot. Every American benefits from a system of freedom, a belief in justice, and moral order.
But Black Americans have been given extra considerations in the form of racial quotas, affirmative action and guaranteed protections.
Despite the extraordinary effort and sacrifice of fellow white Americans, race relations are one of the most-perverted issues debated in the country today.
It's time for the media, politicians and the masses to tell liberals in the Black community to shut up and start working for good and the positive building of the society. It's time for opportunistic members of the Black community to stop taking advantage of bad behavior, by a black person, to act like immature and irresponsible spoiled children. It's time to contribute more than you take. 
The latest example:
In Ferguson Mo. a black teenager was shot after the teenager went after a police officer's gun, to take it. After the incident, protesters took to the streets, broke into stores, set fires and attacked other people.
If the race-roles were reversed, there would be little spoken about the shooting. Most whites would accept it as the officer taking appropriate action. But because the attacker was black, and the officer may be white, those who who exploit race are throwing a temper tantrum.
At protests of Brown’s death, race riots broke out, with of looting stores, setting fire to buildings and vandalizing property. Race rioters also taunted police and assaulted journalists.
The crowd was protesting after Michael Brown, 18, tried to take the officer's gun and at some point during that altercation the officer’s weapon discharged inside a patrol car. But a couple of people on the street said they saw Brown, with his hands raised when the officer fired at him repeatedly.
That just does not make sense. No officer WANTS to shoot a person. It is possible that if you are attacked, as the police officer was, adrenaline, and the fight for survival takes over, and you defend yourself.
This kind of behavior is getting old. We could squelch it, and stop it from ever happening again. But the people – political elites – actually benefit from it. So ending the behavior is not going to occur any time soon.   

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