Monday, August 11, 2014

Country in chaos - Liberalism and Obama: how much more can the country take?

Riots, looting, gunfire and chaos near Ferguson, Missouri.
The country is coming apart. There is no national leadership.
Two of top stories in the establishment media's list involve husband-wife murders.
Does it not seem that the the evolution of feminism has spawned an epidemic of domestic violence?
Just today in Columbia, the headlines read: “Murder-suicide claims husband and spouse” and “SC husband goes to jail to report he killed his wife.”
Aside from that, the reports of parents killing children, leaving them in cars or by abuse, are sickening and rampant. There are riots in the Heartland, with looting following.
We were sold on the idea that more freedom for divorce, and the lack of dependency on mothers would be liberating. Liberalism was going to make us all happy and carefree.
Instead there is more tension than ever in homes.
And not only that, the Obama economy has been especially hard on men. We have shed 12 million jobs since Obama took office. Men are more likely to work in the private sector, and that has been hardest hit.
Jobs like teacher and nurse are more often filled by females. Those jobs are next-to recession – or depression- proof.
The result of the miserable economy has been mothers being forced to be the main bread winners.
Take a job from one parent, and you can damage them severely. And that is happening.
But what does Obama and the liberals care? Government sanctioned homosexual marriage is moving forward and families are forgoing vacations and new clothes to pay astronomical healthcare and food and energy costs.
It has gotten pretty bad for the everyday American. And those who have been taught that self is what maters most, are coming unwrapped. Hence the escalation in the murder rate.
Maybe the strong can hold on, and pray that this hideous government turns, and begins to respect the people again. But how much worse can it get before people of all stripes wake up, and understand what a failure liberalism has been.

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