Friday, August 15, 2014

SC Democrat Congressional candidate uses "The Lord" to promote Gay Marriage

Democrat Tom Adams is promoting government sanctioning of homosexual marriage.
Tom Adams, left, with Vincent Sheheen.
Sheheen is scared to anger his base,
that includes gay voters and their supporters.
Adams is proudly waving the Rainbow flag.
Adams is challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Mick Mulvaney for South Carolina's 5th Congressional District seat. 
According to the Charleston City Paper, Adams announced yesterday that he believes gay people "are equal before the Lord and should be equal before the law as well."
And Adams is for redefining, and expanding government's description of marriage to that one special interest group who characterize themselves as gay. 
If there was ever a legal decree that homosexuals are NOT equal, Adam's proclamation may be relevant. But it looks like the hapless Democrat is just desperate for some attention. 
As it is, almost 80 percent of South Carolinians say they do not think it is government's role to redefine marriage, based on sexual preference. 
So what are Adams' odds?

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